Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Fruit Wrapped in Prosciutto

It's the holidays.  People will be dropping by.  They will require cocktails.  They will require food to go with said cocktails.

Keep a package of nice prosciutto on hand, wrap it around any fruit you have on hand (peeled, please), and fry it up in a hot pan.  Your guests will think you are a sweet-savory wizard.

Above I used end of season peaches.  I've also used melon, oranges, apples, grapefruit, and plums.

Bring on the holiday rush!  I am ready.

1 comment:

  1. Yum! My go-to appetizer for dinner parties is pear slices (tossed with lemon juice to prevent browning) wrapped with a piece of gorgonzola in proscuitto. I've never thought to grill them, but will definitely try that next time...
