Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Big Green Egg

This might seem like a paid advertisement, but it ain't, I promise.  I have fallen in love with Husband's new ceramic charcoal grill/smoker called The Big Green Egg.

The perfect timing with which the Egg came into my life is not lost on me.

See, for three weeks, I've been following Vinnie Tortorich's advice on the podcast we do together and avoiding all sugar and grains.  You'd think this would be easy since I'm so used to eating Gluten Free.

Howevs, over the years I've managed to stay addicted to grains (as evidenced by the yummy comfort food recipes I've posted here for Lasagna, Mac & Cheese, and Holiday Sugar Cookies), as I've been determined not to miss out on all the foods I love just because I'm Gluten Free.

This "I Don't Wanna Miss Out" attitude contributed to some slow and steady weight gain over the years.  Now that I'm launching back into my on-camera acting career, I need to tighten my shit UP.

I will be going into more details on how to prepare delicious no-sugar, no-grain recipes, as well as how to curb cravings when they sneak up so you can smack those craving right back in the face.

In the meantime, if you know any body who has a Big Green Egg, I advise inviting yourself over to their house, favorite protein in tow, so you can taste the amazingness.


  1. I can vouch for its deliciousness. Ohhhhh yeahhhh!

  2. I've had a big green egg for about 8 or 9 years. It is a wonderful thing. I just discovered you and Vinnie on the podcast and am enjoying the information.
